
Children think they know.. but they have noooo idea!

What I learned from my kid..

There are a few things that I have learned from Dylan in 4 1/2 years..

  • If you change their diaper, they will poop as soon as you walk away
  • If you clean up the toys, there will be twice as many toys on the floor the next time you come into the room
  • As soon as they take a bath, they will want to eat spaghetti
  • As soon as they are in bed, they want a snack

My mom is probably laughing right now and chanting “I told you so!

     Here are a few things my mom learned from me.. in 18 years..

  • If you buy something new; whether it be a car or a couch, I will puke on it (ha ha)
  • Put sunscreen on the kid! 😉
  • Lipstick does not come out off couch cushions
  • When adult says “NO”, wild teenager hears “YES” (ha ha ha)

In the end, valuable lessons are learned, tears are shed, probably by both mom and child, and hugs are given.

Dylan has taught me some of the most important lessons in my life (He is a pretty smart 4-year-old)

  • Love is unconditional I still get hugs and kisses and cuddled after his timeout
  • Dinosaurs buried themselves in the dirt
  • Love comes in all forms “Mom, I got something for you cause I love you. It was in my nose”
  • Sometimes sleeping with a stuffed animal makes you feel better
  • Saying sorry takes a lot of effort, but has a huge effect
  • No one is going to love you more than your child does

Pretty good so far..  I am looking forwards to the many more years of lessons (or should I be worried?)

 I’d like to end by saying “Sorry for my teenage years, mom! I love you!” 🙂

Children think they know.. but they have noooo idea!


Mommy, I’ll be your boyfriend

Dylan asked me why I was sad

“Cause Rob isn’t my boyfriend anymore”

A few minutes later Dylan peers around the corner

“Mommy? I’ll be your boyfriend”

My heart melted into a big sloppy puddle


Last full day

Happy Monday! This is out last full day in Kauai. We are heading off to stuff our faces in the delicious continental breakfast then we take off to see a waterfall! Of course we will hit up some beaches, and soak up as much sun as we can!


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Aloha from Kauai

First off, it’s coming up on 7:30am, i have my morning coffee and this is my view

It’s a little foggy, but I see blue skies creeping in over the mountains. A few early birds are swimming laps in the pool before it becomes over run with kids splashing and adults drinking Mai Tais.
Speaking of birds, a rooster is crowing somewhere from the courtyard below me, birds are chirping away in the trees, the waves are rolling into the beach, and the palm tree branches are strumming along in the breeze. *sigh* the sounds of Kauai..

20120518-073038.jpg And there is my blue sky, welcoming me to my first full day in Kauai!

Now, time to wake up my sister and venture through the Koi pond courtyard, through the palm tree jungle, into the open air restaurant for our continental breakfast. And maybe a mimosa 🙂

For all you moms and dads out there.. This is my FIRST vacation away from Dylan! I feel 😦 but then get 🙂
He is back in Washington with my parents, probably loving all the attention and getting spoiled rotten.

Well I’m getting spoiled rotten too, Childless, in Kauai, with my sister.

Happy Friday and Aloha!!

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New car smell!



After a loooooong week of no car, I have found my new ride!

2011 Toyota Highlander. Fully loaded. A nice upgrade from my beat up 2001 Mazda Protege.
Now I need to name her.. I am taking suggestions!


Another one bites the dust

Saturday night, 11:15pm, Dylan is asleep in the backseat, my brother is falling asleep in the front seat, I am driving home from my aunts house after a family gathering. My brother and I had been raising our eyebrows at a funky noise coming from the hood of my car. When I pressed the gas we heard a clicking/flapping sound. Bro thought a belt was loose, no biggie, we will check it out tomorrow.

HAH!! My car had another plan for us. It died. Battery light comes on, check engine light comes on, and my car turns off. I immediately turn my flashers on and start laughing!!


By the way, we are on the freeway, crossing the bridge over Lake Washington. There is no shoulder. So I’m stopped in the right lane. And for some reason, everyone was out driving across the bridge at this time! Oh yea, I caused a backup.

Smart drivers who saw my flashers got into the next lane right away, but there still were a few brainiacs who got right up behind me, as if expecting me to all of a sudden start my car and drive off.

Luckily a state patrol came along and was able to push us to the next exit, where we met up with the tow truck and my mom who came to our rescue.

Mechanic says that the engine is toast. So with the thought waves of my mom assisting my own, we decided that I need a new car! Well duh.. But a reeeaaaalll new car!

So here I am, car-less for a few days, driving my dad’s car to work while he is out of town, and graciously accepting if anyone would like to give me a 2011/2012 mid size SUV 😉

Wish me luck on car shopping!!

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Funky photoshoot

All I wanted was for him to smile
Just look at me, hold still, and smile
And this is what I got::







And finally I settled with this last one::


Was it so bad to just smile?!?

Silly boy..

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And the Versatile Blogger Award goes to….


 *and the crowd goes wiiillld! ahhhhhhhhhwhhhhhooooooooo*

I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the interesting and oh so entertaining Expert of None !

So here’s the dealio, once you are nominated, you have been awarded the award! YIPPEE!

Then, you are supposed to thank the person who gave you this award.


Include a link to their blog.. kinda like this… CLICK ME! <– seriously.. check out her site!

Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.

I think I am following 15 blogs..

Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Which I will post here…

  1. I am super clumsy; I was given the nickname Bambi, apparently I resemble a baby deer taking his first steps at times
  2. I am a chocoholic, I seriously think I would die if I didn’t have something chocolate everyday. This runs in my family. Its tragic!
  3. I love to roll down the windows in the car and sing country music at the top of my lungs, especially on the freeway, love all the looks I get from passing cars. They are just jealous
  4. I’m not a good singer. Not one bit.
  5. I secretly want to be a mascot for a sports team.. oops secrets out!
  6. I love cartoons, more than adult TV.
  7. I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and I’m 99.999% sure I won’t be leaving the Seattle area ANY time soon! You can’t make me leave!

That was fun 🙂

Versatile Blogger Award!


Now for my 15 victims nominees…. I just did a drumroll on my laptop for the dramatic effect.. Im sorry you were not able to witness it..

  1. raisingkidswithlove– for some awesome parenting advice, tidbits, and humor!
  2. Bucket List Publications – for giving me ideas for my Bucket list!
  3. The J85 – Showing that single mama support!
  4. The Ordinary Adventures of Javier Antonio – Im learning lots about Zombies!
  5. Raising a Realist -Love seeing parenting through a father’s eyes!
  6. Shoes on the Wrong Feet– for sharing your stories.. sons are the best 🙂
  7. iGameMom – kids and their electronics these days…
  8. Life Simplified – for humor in parenting and project ideas!
  9. Who or What Was That? -for giving me something to look forwards to!
  10. Looking for the Sweet Spot -for inspiration and humor!
  11. suzyplatt – for the cute projects and pictures!
  12. celticfamilyfun SD misses you! 🙂
  13. Being the Best Dad -love seeing parenting through a father’s eyes!
  14. Godly & Crafty – Beautiful projects!
  15. Daughter of the Moon – for such great information and interesting topics!

Ahhhh that was hard!! Not really, I just like to complain.

So I can’t help but do a little happy hand clapping dance. Today was a good day for Momknowsbetter! 10 followers 😛 I got my 50th LIKE, aaaaaand I was nominated for this award!

Does anyone else’s brain start singing songs as background music for happy moments?? My brain just started singing “I can see clearly now the rain is gone.. Its gonna be a bright, bright, bright, bright sun shiney day!” Im thinking this is a good sign.



10 Things I Just Don’t Understand

Reposting this because it made me LOL! Thought it was hilarious!

10 Things I Just Don’t Understand.




Black to Blue

I consider myself fairly crafty. I’ve done my share of scrapbooks, frames, modge podge, and painting. I have my collection of paper, stickers, different kinds of glue, gadgets and gizmos, whosits and whatsits, and what have you for crafts. What I haven’t done before is a furniture piece!

A few weeks ago I decided to sand down and repaint a side table that has been in my room for who knows how long! This particular side table has been in the family for a gazillion years. My mom remembers this table in her house when she was young. How I ended up with it in my room.. No Clue!

Being a gazillion years old, this table had remnants of stickers stuck on it, dents and dings and scratches all over and it was black. Dull black. It wasn’t a pretty table to look at.        

 Exhibit 1A & 1B:  










So Dylan and I ventured to the hardware store. And once I got there I realized I had NO CLUE what I needed! Sand Paper… Okay lets start with sand paper.. coarse? medium? hmm let’s go with a medium grain. Do I need a sand paper tool?! Nah.. I’ll use my womanly arm muscles. Paint.. crap!!!!! What color did I want to paint it? What kind of paint? Do I need a base coat? Top Coat? Primer? Oh hey! Excuse me Mr. Hardware store worker.. uhmm I need help?

Mr. Hardware was a HUGE help! He helped me pick out a good paint with a primer in it. Once we knew what brand of paint we were getting, It was off to the color wheel.. Did you know there are a trillion colors to choose from? I let Dylan pick. He chose a very nice Navy Blue. I was pleased with his color choice. So we got our paint mixed, payed for our findings and zipped home to begin our project!


Step 1: Sanding










My arms were burning! But I was soooooo proud of myself! Dylan did some sanding too.. then he saw a puddle and decided that would be more fun.

Step 2: Start Painting: Coat 1










Looking good! I’m loving the color!

I added 2 more coats of paint:









I wish I could say that I did this project in a matter of hours. I spread it out over 2 or 3 days. I didn’t want to wear myself out!

I am now the owner of a refurnished antique side table. And by owner I mean that I am fostering it in my room until I move out, my mom has staked her claim to it.

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