
Children think they know.. but they have noooo idea!



Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries for days!

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I think I can I think I can

After some discussion with co-workers and contemplating giving up coffee, I have come to the conclusion of trying out the Paleo diet! I will be giving up bread, dairy, refined sugar, cereal grains, potatoes, and processed food!

My goal is to go ONE MONTH. I will be surviving on grass-produced meats, fish, seafood, fruit, veggies, eggs, nuts and seeds. It looks scary, but I enjoy my fruits and veggies. I am going to miss my yogurt, peanut butter, cream cheese and bagels 😦

I usually bring my lunch with me to work, so today I packed a banana, apple, tomato, pear, strawberries, raspberries, and 2 hard-boiled eggs. Dinner is going to be the challenge. But I am up for it!

If I make it a month, I will shoot for 2 🙂

Looking forwards to a better me and better wallet! 🙂

(I added a rule that I am allowed to drink coffee. I just have to limit it and make up for it by drinking extra water)