
Children think they know.. but they have noooo idea!

Whats in your cookie jar?

My office is having a Cookie Bake Off on Thursday. I just scoured the internet in search for the perfect cookie to make! And behold! Peanut Butter-Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip. I am currently drooling at my desk.

This has got to be the most amazing cookie combination EVER!

I will need to double the recipe, cause I can not promise I will not eat half of the raw dough..

What is your TO DIE FOR cookie??


If you leave the water running..

If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to ask for a glass of milk. When you give him the milk, he’ll probably ask for a straw..

I think that most everyone knows this story. Or a similar one.. If you give a moose a muffin, he’ll want jam to go with it.

Dylan requsted a bubble bath last night. I proceeded to fill the tub, and when i turned off the faucet Dylan insisted there wasn’t enough water. When I told him we didn’t want the tub to overflow, I immediatly saw the wheels turning in his head…

"Mom.. if the bath tub overflows, then the bathroom will flood"
Yes it will
"And  if the bathroom floods, our house with flood"
Thats right
"And if the house floods, we can't live in it anymore"
Sure can't
"Then we will be cavemen.. and have to live in our car."
"And if we live in our car, we can drive our house"
uhh.. I guess
"But then we might get lost!"
"So we don't want the bathtub to overflow. I don't wanna get lost."
Good thinking.
"Im always right mom."

Huh.. I just nodded and smiled.

4 year olds really do say some interesting things! And they don’t realize that sometimes we just want to start cracking up. But you don’t want it to seem like you are laughing at your child.. so you just have to nod and smile.

I really do enjoy listening to Dylan’s silly stories. I find myself asking the following, in order to keep the story going and to see what Dylan comes up with next:

"And then what happens?" 
"Is that possible?!"
"What did you do next?" 
And one of our favorites is: "Did he explode?"


I really should do a better job of writting down all the silly stories and phrases he says.. It would get a good laugh in a few years!


Hope everyone is having a good Friday the 13th 🙂

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