
Children think they know.. but they have noooo idea!

And the Versatile Blogger Award goes to….


 *and the crowd goes wiiillld! ahhhhhhhhhwhhhhhooooooooo*

I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the interesting and oh so entertaining Expert of None !

So here’s the dealio, once you are nominated, you have been awarded the award! YIPPEE!

Then, you are supposed to thank the person who gave you this award.


Include a link to their blog.. kinda like this… CLICK ME! <– seriously.. check out her site!

Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.

I think I am following 15 blogs..

Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Which I will post here…

  1. I am super clumsy; I was given the nickname Bambi, apparently I resemble a baby deer taking his first steps at times
  2. I am a chocoholic, I seriously think I would die if I didn’t have something chocolate everyday. This runs in my family. Its tragic!
  3. I love to roll down the windows in the car and sing country music at the top of my lungs, especially on the freeway, love all the looks I get from passing cars. They are just jealous
  4. I’m not a good singer. Not one bit.
  5. I secretly want to be a mascot for a sports team.. oops secrets out!
  6. I love cartoons, more than adult TV.
  7. I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and I’m 99.999% sure I won’t be leaving the Seattle area ANY time soon! You can’t make me leave!

That was fun 🙂

Versatile Blogger Award!


Now for my 15 victims nominees…. I just did a drumroll on my laptop for the dramatic effect.. Im sorry you were not able to witness it..

  1. raisingkidswithlove– for some awesome parenting advice, tidbits, and humor!
  2. Bucket List Publications – for giving me ideas for my Bucket list!
  3. The J85 – Showing that single mama support!
  4. The Ordinary Adventures of Javier Antonio – Im learning lots about Zombies!
  5. Raising a Realist -Love seeing parenting through a father’s eyes!
  6. Shoes on the Wrong Feet– for sharing your stories.. sons are the best 🙂
  7. iGameMom – kids and their electronics these days…
  8. Life Simplified – for humor in parenting and project ideas!
  9. Who or What Was That? -for giving me something to look forwards to!
  10. Looking for the Sweet Spot -for inspiration and humor!
  11. suzyplatt – for the cute projects and pictures!
  12. celticfamilyfun SD misses you! 🙂
  13. Being the Best Dad -love seeing parenting through a father’s eyes!
  14. Godly & Crafty – Beautiful projects!
  15. Daughter of the Moon – for such great information and interesting topics!

Ahhhh that was hard!! Not really, I just like to complain.

So I can’t help but do a little happy hand clapping dance. Today was a good day for Momknowsbetter! 10 followers 😛 I got my 50th LIKE, aaaaaand I was nominated for this award!

Does anyone else’s brain start singing songs as background music for happy moments?? My brain just started singing “I can see clearly now the rain is gone.. Its gonna be a bright, bright, bright, bright sun shiney day!” Im thinking this is a good sign.




I would just like to start my day by giving myself a large hug and a firm pat on the back. I have 10 followers!!!

I know its not ALOT.. But im pretty excited that I have strangers who are interested.. or at least bored enough, to read what I have to say.

So, Thank you. And if you are reading this and are NOT one of my 10 strangers who I feel sooooo close to, please, click Follow and become a friendly stranger who I think is super interested in what I have to say. If you are one of my 10 strangers, thumbs up to you!